TLWI Dev #99

Hey there techies 👋🏽 It's your favorite time of the week again, our newsletter is here and we're excited to bring you some 🔥 content. We've got everything from new cool tools to exciting success stories. So without further ado, let's dive right in!

First on our list is an important reference, the Ethereum JavaScript API. If you're a blockchain developer, then you know how important the Ethereum clients and blockchain interface are to your development journey. This API enables developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, send transactions, and connect with smart contracts. If you're working on a DApp, this API should be your go-to tool.

Next up, we have another important reference. Flutter is one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks available today. It provides a fast and efficient way to build natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktops. Whether you're just getting started with Flutter or looking for new ideas, this repository contains a large collection of examples and demos to inspire you.

Up next, we've got a call for all the JavaScript developers out there. Have you ever heard of TypeScript? Well, pitch me on TypeScript! TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript, which is becoming increasingly popular in the JavaScript ecosystem. It enables developers to write JavaScript with all the benefits of compile-time type checking, which can help catch bugs and improve code maintainability.

Looking to add some speech recognition capabilities to your next project? Check out this important reference for the Offline Speech Recognition API. This API provides support for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node. With this tool, you can now integrate speech recognition into your projects without sending any data to the cloud.

Lastly, we've got an inspiring story of how one's GitHub profile landed them a job at Spotify. Important reference suggests that your GitHub profile can do more for you than you think. What started out as a passion project for music and graphic design turned into an opportunity of a lifetime for one individual. Keep updating your GitHub profile regularly and it might just land you your dream job someday.

That's all from us for now folks. We hope you find these links interesting and useful in your tech journey. Stay fresh, stay curious, and we'll catch you again soon. Toodles 🤘🏽


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Developer Roundup is a weekly roundup blog. Stay tuned for more info on the project. Follow me on Twitter @dennisokeeffe92.

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Built by Dennis O'Keeffe, 2024